
Cosmetic Periodontal Surgery

Cosmetic Periodontal Surgery includes, but is not limited to Crown Lengthening, Soft Tissue Grafts, and Bone Grafting. These procedures can enhance your smile by correcting problems like long or short teeth, uneven gum line, receding gums, exposed roots, and indentations in the gums or jawbone.

Bone Grafting:

The replacement or enhancement of bone around teeth. When a tooth is lost, the surrounding bone collapses. Bone grafting is performed to reverse bone loss or enhance bone. The bone can be taken from parts of the body or from synthetic material. Bone grafting allows for proper support of dental implants or prostheses.

Gum Grafting (aka Soft Tissue Graft):

Commonly used to treat root exposure resulting from receded gum tissue. Tissue is removed from the roof of the mouth or from gum tissue near the tooth and stitched into the area needing gingival repair.

Cosmetic Crown Lengthening:

Commonly used to expose more tooth structure. Crown lengthening involves the removal of gum tissue and/or bone to expose more of a tooth’s structure. Crown lengthening provides restorative access for your dentist to make a healthy long lasting crown and improve gummy smiles.